Teens living in the digital media age of smartphones can easily miss out on learning some of the social & communication skills necessary to thrive. This program is all about preparing 7th & 8th grade students with the "soft skills" needed for success in high school and beyond.
Skills are learned through the experience of learning four entry level ballroom dances and a hands on introduction to formal dining manners & the lost art of social graces.

What do kids think about cotillion?
Most teens and parents starts out a bit confused about what Cotillion is and end by loving it!
Watch this short video and listen in as you hear from students attending cotillion
Cotillion is many things...
- Basic ballroom dancing steps
- Immersive eduction in social skills
- A confidence builder
- Loads of fun!
It's fun: Students learn the basic steps of several timeless ballroom dances. They will forever be the life of the party at any formal dance or wedding celebration!
It's educational: Students are immersed with training of how to be polite, thoughtful and caring in social settings. You can expect many years of compliments on how wonderfully sweet your student is!
It's timeless: Students are equipped to be confident, to lead and understanding how to make their mark. Cotillion students are among those that have the life skills to communicate well and perform well in situations such as job interviews.
What are some of the social graces taught?
#1: Listen before speaking.
It is an important life session to be a better listener than a talker. In today’s society, listening is one of the hardest skills to master with the pace of life and all of it’s distractions. It doesn’t mean you have to be silent. Social graces remind us to pay attention, don’t interrupt and let others speak. First impressions are often based on our ability to listen.
#2: Make Eye Contact.
Eye contact indicates that you are paying attention and interested in what the other person is saying and not “tuned out” of a conversation. Be careful not to make it awkward or stare. Sit up, focus on the conversation and talk directly into the speaker. Eliminate all distractions. Give Everyone Your Full Attention.
“Looking someone directly in the eyes during a conversation is the key to making any social or professional connection. We rely on eye contact to communicate and connect with one another on a conscious and unconscious level.” – Psychology Today
#3: Be On Time.
You only have one chance to make a great first impression by being on time. Aim for five minutes early in all cases. Being on time is the most costly way to lose opportunities and harm relationships, even before they start. Being on time shows respect and that you care about the relationship.
#4: Remember Names.
Paying attention during introductions, writing down a person’s name and collecting their information are critical for fostering any relationship. You are better asking someone to repeat their name, then calling them the wrong name or calling them the generic “you” because you neglected to remember their name.
#5: Ignore Gossip.
We all know how important it is to not judge others, but it’s not so easy to put it into practice. Perhaps the best way to learn this trait is by applying the Golden Rule; treat others the way you want to be treated. If you wouldn’t want it repeated about yourself, it’s usually a good sign that it’s not worth repeating.
#6: Acknowledge and Respect.
Every encounter is an opportunity to show your best self to others. You never know who you will meet in life and how that person can change your future. One thoughtful interaction could lead to a new opportunity if they see you as a kind and respectful individual.
“I speak to everyone in the same way, whether he is the garbage man or the president of the university.”– Albert Einstein
#7: Gratitude & Thank You.
We all like to hear, “thank you,” but we may rarely say it. Having an attitude of gratitude can go a long way in building good relationships, helping you to live a happy life and showing kindness to others.
Your Student Investment - $200
4 weeks of learning basic steps & fun
East & West Coast Swing
Cha Cha
Line Dancing
Dining Manners
Social Etiquette
Plus 1 Afternoon Grand Ball & Reception
Introductions & Dances
Presentation of Certificates
Free downloadable video
What is Cotillion?
Centuries ago, "Cotillion" referred to a formal dance, attended by upstanding young people as a social event. In keeping with Southern tradition, we use the term "cotillion" to refer to the classes we teach comprised of etiquette, manners, basic dance instruction and leading up to a formal Grand Ball where learning is on display for family.
How many students are there per class and who may attend?
Ideally a class is comprised of 20 girls and 20 boys, although we may increase or decrease the class size depending on the situation. All current 7th and 8th graders living in Hendricks County are eligible to participate.
What is the dress code?
We ask that young men wear slacks with a belt and leather shoes, as well as a button-up shirt and tie or bow-tie, and a sport coat or jacket. Young women are asked to wear knee-length skirts or dresses with appropriate shoes with a strap that are slick soled.
Are parents allowed to watch the class?
Parents are welcome to come early and meet the instructors and ask questions only before the first class. Parents will be able to see all of their students hard work on display during the the Grand March during the last session. There will also be a parent handout given to students at the end of the first class.
What happens at the Grand Ball?
Parents will drop students at the front entry as usual. Students will participate in a reception covered in their class fees. Family members will be invited to return for the last half hour of class to observe the Grand March where the students will formally enter the dance floor. Students will demonstrate their ability and knowledge of the four dance steps they learned during classes. Students will receive their graduation certificate and then are dismissed.